Sheri Donegan Appointed to Court of Appeal

Sheri Donegan Appointed to Court of Appeal

Executive - Photo 7 - Sheri Donegan - Director at Large

Sheri Donegan Appointed to Court of Appeal

The CCIAWJ is pleased to congratulate our long-time Board member and colleague Sheri Donegan on her appointment to the British Columbia Court of Appeal.

Sheri has served on the CCIAWJ Board since 2018 and is currently on the Executive as the Director-at-Large. She has been an active member of the Board who, among other things, has participated in Evening with Women Judges, and has organized events for our biennial conference. Most recently, Sheri has been a leader in developing the CCIAWJ’s strategy to assist the women judges who have fled Afghanistan.

Sheri was appointed to the Provincial Court of British Columbia from 2010 to 2013, and was elevated to the Supreme Court of British Columbia in 2013. Prior to her appointment to the bench, Sheri worked in private practice from 1992 to 1998 and then served as Crown counsel for the Attorney General of British Columbia. While in practice, Sheri was a frequent lecturer on child protection issues.

Sheri’s appointment was announced on August 29, 2024. We are delighted to recognize her well-deserved achievement.