Hon. Arline Pacht, IAWJ Founding Member

Hon. Arline Pacht, IAWJ Founding Member

Arline Pacht Photo

Hon. Arline Pacht, IAWJ Founding Member

The CCIAWJ is sad to announce the death of the founding member of the IAWJ, Arline Pacht.  We wish our sincere condolences to her family, friends and those who worked closely with her.

The IAWJ is currently preparing a tribute to former Judge Pacht. The CCIAWJ will post a link to the tribute when available.   A link to the IAWJ Facebook celebration of her 85th birthday can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/IntlWomenJudges/videos/iawj-founder-hon-arline-pachts-85th-birthday/693239334443598/.  A brief obituary can be found at: Obituary information for Arline “Boots” Pacht nee Burstein (collinsfuneralhome.com).   

The CCIAWJ would like to take this opportunity to thank Arline Pacht for the leadership and dedication she has shown to the advancement of equality and human rights.